Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Leftovers Made Over

There was a full pint of beans left over from the Navajo tacos we had a couple of weeks ago.  I had tossed them in the freezer for some future meal, not really sure how they would taste after being frozen.  Two nights ago I had browned 2 pounds of ground turkey and only used half of that in a Sheperd's Pie.  So, at 3:00 this afternoon I dumped the frozen beans, left over ground turkey, a can of diced tomatoes, chilli powder and a few dashes of red pepper into the crockpot and turned it on the high setting. 

When I got back from running kids to and from their after-school activities the chilli was done.  Everyone enjoyed a heaping bowlful and a slice of homemade bread.  The beans, which I thought would be a little mushy, were actually very good.  It was a perfectly easy and yummy meal on a very cold winter's night.

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